And we're off!

Only 6 more hours until I'm on that plane to L.A. (God willing) Its pretty weird that I have been so excited to go since March and its finally happening...

I'm going to live half way across the world for 4 months!

Its hard to take in and to be honest, I'm slightly nervous for various reasons.

1. Mom and Dad aren't a train ride away.
2. The only think that I know about the people I'm staying with are their names (and that they like music and quilting).
3. Will I be able to budget for four months?
4. Will I look like a tourist? Or will there be a culture clash?

I shouldn't be worried though. I have lived overseas with my mother for a year and I did travel to Alaska by myself (kinda) and survived ( jk). But what to expect?

I have no clue...

What I do expect is to get some sleep on the plane. Its 6 hours to LA, 13 hours to NZ, and 3 hours to Australia. I got 5 hours of sleep last night and I'm going for no sleep tonight, too many emotions going on...

Well, this is tah tah for now America, until we meet again in 4 months.

Wish me luck and I'll see you on the otha side!!!!!!!
There's no turning back now...


Anonymous said...

I'm sure you'll do fine! I've already seen photos of you on FB. I so want to go to Australia. How lucky you are! How blessed! Do Union proud!

Eliza said...

You are such a cutie! I LOVE you! I hope you are doing great.

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